About Us

Department of Electrical Engineering was established with the vision of incorporating engineering techniques and skills within unique spirit of Sukkur IBA, an institution oriented towards quality education and credible degree, having indispensable interdepartmental collaboration.

The BE in Electrical Engineering degree is based on the HEC/PEC approved curriculum. In the first year, the students learn the fundamentals of Electrical Engineering supported by essential Mathematics and Physics courses. These courses are followed by foundation and breadth courses which introduce students to different specialties in Electrical Engineering. In the senior years, students choose a specialization stream and study advanced courses. Currently specializations are offered in four areas, i.e. Telecommunication Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Power Engineering and Computer Systems Engineering. In the highly competitive job market, a young engineer is not only required to be knowledgeable in technical areas but also expected to have excellent communication and managerial skills and an appreciation of everyday economics to design and implement cost effective engineering solution. During four years, students work in twelve different labs where they perform experiments using state of the art instruments, equipment and simulation software.

The Department maintains high standard of education and research through continuous assessment and periodic tests, quizzes, seminars and field projects. To enhance professional and academic standard of the faculty as well as students, the department has established close links with professional organizations at national and international levels.

Ahmed Ali Shah